李玲玲,女,汉族,1977年出生,甘肃天水人,中共党员,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。目前担任甘肃农业大学农学院院长,兼任国际农业磋商研究组织(CGIAR)小麦独立指导委员会(WHEAT-ISC)委员,中国农学会耕作制度分会常务理事,第四届和第五届国际农作制度设计大会学术委员会委员,第七届、第八届国际保护性农业大会学术委员会委员。主要从事旱作农业、保护性农业的教学和科研工作,先后主持国家973计划、国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金国际合作项目等科研项目20余项。获省部级教学科研成果奖10余项,出版教材、专著6部,在Advances in agronomy、Soil and tillage research、中国农业科学等国内外著名刊物和学术会议发表论文300余篇,其中SCI收录65篇,制定地方标准6项,授权专利20余件。曾获甘肃省“飞天学者”、霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖、甘肃青年五四奖章、中国农学会耕作制度分会青年人才奖等殊荣,带领团队入选甘肃省教育厅创新团队和省委组织部陇原青年创新人才团队。
2003.09–2006.06 甘肃农业大学, 农学院, 博士
1998.09–2001.06 甘肃农业大学, 农学院, 硕士
1994.09–1998.06 甘肃农业大学, 农学院, 学士
2012/4-2013/4,加拿大农业部,Lethbridge research,访问学者
2005.10-2006.01,澳大利亚新南威尔士州农业部,Wagga Wagga农业研究所,访问学者
1.国际农业磋商研究组织(CGIAR)小麦独立指导委员会(WHEAT-ISC), 委员
2. 中国农学会耕作制度分会, 常务理事
3. 第四届和第五届国际农作制度设计大会学术委员会, 委员
4. 第七届、第八届国际保护性农业大会学术委员会, 委员
1. 本科生:《旱农学》、《专业英语》
2. 研究生:《旱作农业理论与实践》、《保护性农业的理论与实践》
1.黄土高原半干旱区长期免耕和秸秆还田影响土壤 N2O 排放的微生物作用机制,国家自然科学基金 (地区) 项目,34万,主持,在研
2. 半干旱区主要作物水分高效利用的调控途径及分子机理,甘肃省重大专项,90万,主持,在研
3. 基于种养循环的地力与产能提升技术模式集成及示范应用,国家重点研发计划 (课题),490万,主持,在研
4. 新时代地膜科学使用回收长效机制研究,农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站,10万,主持,在研
5. 陇中黄土丘陵区马铃薯改土培肥与绿色增产技术集成与示范,国家重点研发计划 (子课题),285万,主持,在研
6. 半干旱区种养循环技术集成创新与应用,甘肃省教育厅双一流重大科研项目 (课题),165万,主持,在研
7. 加厚高强度地膜应用技术集成及标准制定,甘肃省农业生态与资源保护技术推广总站,40万,在研,主持
8. 旱农区长期免耕和秸秆还田影响土壤质量和碳排放的微生物响应机理,国家自然科学基金(国际合作),183万元,结题,主持
9. 长期保护性耕作对半干旱区黄绵土碳固存和碳排放的影响及机制,国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,43万元,结题,主持
10. 保护性耕作对黄绵土有机质组分及土壤质量的影响机制,国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,57万元,结题,主持
11. 耕作措施和秸秆管理影响黄绵土有机质的组分机制研究,陇原青年创新人才扶持计划项目, 5万元,结题,主持
12. 西北旱区粮饲兼用玉米种质创新与品质调优机制研究,973前期课题,130万元,结题,主持;
13. 陇中旱农区高水效作物种类和品种引进筛选及适宜农作制度研究,甘肃省高校基本科研业务费项目,20万元,结题,主持;
14. 西北雨养农业区抗旱减灾和粮食高产种植模式与降水资源高效利用技术,国家公益性行业计划子课题,20万元,结题,主持;
1. JinbinWang, Junhong Xie, Lingling Li*, et al. (2023) Effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil CO2 emission and bacterial communities in maize field on the semiarid Loess Plateau. Plant and Soil, 1-17.
2. Changliang. Du, Zechariah Effah, Lingling Li*, et al. (2023) Different tillage and stubble management practices affect root growth and wheat production in a semi-arid area. Plant and Soil, 1-15.
3. JinbinWang, Junhong Xie, Lingling Li*, et al. (2023) Review on the fully mulched ridge–furrow system for sustainable maize production on the semi-arid Loess Plateau. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(5): 1277-1290.
4. Chang Liu, Daniel Plaza-Bonilla, Lingling Li*, et al. (2022) Diversifying crop rotations enhances agroecosystem services and resilience. Advances in agronomy, 173:249.
5. Linlin Wang, Lingling Li*, Xie, J. et al. (2022) Continuous maize cultivation with high nitrogen fertilizers associated with the formation of dried soil layers in the semiarid farmland on the Loess Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 613, 128324.
6. Kai Yue, Lingling Li*, Junhong Xie, et al. (2022) Tillage and nitrogen supply affects maize yield by regulating photosynthetic capacity, hormonal changes and grain filling in the Loess Plateau. Soil and tillage research, 218:105317.
7. Linlin Wang, Lingling Li*, J., Junhong Xie, et al. (2022) Does plastic mulching reduce water footprint in field crops in China A meta-analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 260, 107293.
8. JinbinWang, Junhong Xie, Lingling Li*, et al. (2022) The impact of fertilizer amendments on soil autotrophic bacteria and carbon emissions in maize field on the semiarid Loess Plateau[J]. Frontiers in microbiology, 12:1414.
9. Linlin Wang, Lingling Li*, Junhong Xie*, et al. (2021) Managing the trade-offs among yield, economic benefits and carbon and nitrogen footprints of wheat cropping in a semi-arid region of China. Science of the Total Environment, 768: 145280.
10. Junhong Xie, Linlin Wang, Lingling Li*,.et al. (2020) Subsoiling increases grain yield, water use efficiency, and economic return of maize under a fully mulched ridge-furrow system in a semiarid environment in China. Soil and tillage research, 199:104584.
11. Linlin Wang, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Lingling Li*, et al. (2020) Plastic mulching reduces nitrogen footprint of food crops in China: A meta-analysis. Science of the total environment, 748:141479.
12. Linlin Wang, Qiang Li, Lingling Li*,. et al. (2020) Winter wheat yield and water use efficiency response to organic fertilization in northern china: a meta-analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 229:105934.
13. Zhengkai Peng, Linlin Wang, Lingling Li*, et al. (2020) Conservation tillage increases yield and precipitation use efficiency of wheat on the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural water management, 231: 106024.
14. Eunice Essel, Junhong Xie Lingling Li*, et al. (2019) Bacterial and fungal diversity in rhizosphere and bulk soil under different long-term tillage and cereal/legume rotation. Soil and tillage research,194: 104302.
15. Shirley Lamptey, Lingling Li*, Junhong Xie, et al. (2019) Tillage system affects soil water and photosynthesis of plastic-mulched maize on the semiarid Loess Plateau of China. Soil and tillage research, 196: 104479.
16. Junxian Li, Trevor Woodburn, Lingling Li*, et al. (2018) Soil-plant indices help explain legume response to crop rotation in a semiarid environment. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:48.
17. Shirley Lamptey, Lingling Li*, Junhong Xie. (2018) Nitrogen Time of Application Impact on Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Agronomic Efficiency of Maize in a Semi-arid Environment. Journal of Agricultural Science, 10:72-79.
18. E. Essel, Lingling Li*, Chaochao Deng, et al.(2017) Effect of Conservational and Conventional Tillage Systems on Functional Soil Archaea Diversity in Wheat-Pea Rotation Field. Journal of Agricultural Science, 9: 34-44.
19. Shirley Lamptey, Lingling Li*, Junhong Xie, et al. (2017) Photosynthetic Response of Maize to Nitrogen Fertilization in the Semiarid Western Loess Plateau of China. Crop science, 57:1-14.
20. Shirley Lamptey, Junhong Xie, Lingling Li*, et al. (2017) Soil respiration and net ecosystem production under different tillage practices in semi-arid Northwest China. Plant, Soil and Environment,63:14-21.
21. Francis J. Larney, Lingling Li*, Henry Janzen, et al. (2016) Soil quality attributes, soil resilience and legacy effects following topsoil removal and one-time amendments. Canadian journal of soil sciences,96:177-190.
22. Li L.L, Francis J. Larney, Denis A. Angers, et al (2015) Surface Soil quality attributes following 12 years of conventional and conservation management on irrigated rotations in southern Alberta. Soil Science Society of America Journal,79:930-942.
23. Adam M. Komarek, LingLing Li*, William D. Bellotti. (2015) Whole-farm economic effects of conservation agriculture in a subsistence farming system. Agricultural Systems, 137:220-226.
24. Lingling Li, Renzhi Zhang, Zhuzhu Luo, et al. (2014) Evolution of Soil and Water Conservation in Rain-Fed Areas of China. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2:78-90.
25. Li L.L., K. Yin Chan, Niu Y N.,et al. (2011) Soil physical qualities in an Oxic Paleustalf under different tillage and stubble management practices and application of S theory. Soil and Tillage Research, 11382-:88.
26. Li L.L., Huang G.B. Zhang R.Z.,et al. (2011) Effects Benefits of Conservation Agriculture on Soil and Water Conservation and its Progress in China. Agricultural science in China,10:850-859.
27.Huang G. B., Zhang R. Z., Li L.L., et al. (2008) Productivity and sustainability of a spring wheat-field pea rotation in a semi-arid environment under conventional and conservation tillage systems. Field crops research,107: 43-55.
1. 《中国保护性耕作制》,中国农业出版社,参编
2.Systems research helping to meet the needs and managing the trade-offs of a changing World: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design. Gansu Science and Technology Press, August 19-22, 2013, Lanzhou, China,副主编
3.《Conservation agriculture》, Springer Press, 参编