姓 名: 柴强
学 历: 博士
职 称: 教授
所在系别: 作物生产系
联系电话: 0931-7631145
2004/09-2008/06,兰州大学,旱农生态学,博士后,导师:李凤民 教授
2000/09-2003/06,甘肃农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学,博士,导师:黄高宝 教授
1995/09-1998/06,甘肃农业大学,作物栽培学与耕作学,硕士,导师:胡恒觉 教授
2008/11 - 至今, 甘肃农业大学农学院,教 授,博士生导师
2001/09-2003/09,甘肃农业大学农学院,讲 师
1998/09-2001/09,甘肃农业大学农学系,讲 师
现为中国农学会耕作制度研究会副理事长,中国农业资源与区划学会常务理事,中国植物营养与肥料学会绿肥专业委员会副主任委员,中国农学会立体农业委员会、甘肃省生态学会常务理事,甘肃省农学会、甘肃省作物学会常务理事。目前,担任Journal of Cleaner Production; Science of Total Environment; Field Crops Research; European Journal of Agronomy; Journal of Environmental Management; Soil Tillage Research; Agricultural Water Management; Annals of Agricultural Sciences; Scientific Reports; Crop Science; 中国农业科学;作物学报;应用生态学报;中国生态农业学报;干旱地区农业研究等期刊审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,多样化配置提高作物水肥利用效率机制研究(U21A20218),2022.1-2025.12,在研,主持
2. 国家重点研发计划课题,旱地绿肥节肥减排与养分流失控制技术集成及应用(2021YFD1700204),2021.5-2025.12,在研,主持
3. 国家现代农业产业技术体系,国家绿肥产业技术体系--旱地绿肥栽培岗位科学家(CARS-22-G-12),2021.01-2025.12,在研,主持
4. 甘肃省教育厅“双一流”科研重点项目,旱区种养循环绿色提质关键技术创新与集成推广(GSSYLXM-02),2021.08-2024.08,在研,主持
5. 甘肃省基础研究创新群体,作物种间互作减投增效绿色生产机制研究(20JR5RA037),2020.11-2023.10,在研,主持
6. 省部共建干旱生境作物学国家重点实验室主任基金,氮肥后移提高间作氮素利用及减排温室气体的机制研究(GSSJ-2019-Z1),2019.09-2022.09,结题,主持
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,间作响应密植的地上部生理生态机制研究(31771738),2018.01-2021.12,在研,结题
8. 国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才支持项目,适宜机械化间作模式的节水潜力及机理研究(W02020603),2017.01-2022.12,在研,主持
9. 国家现代农业产业技术体系,国家绿肥产业技术体系--旱地绿肥栽培岗位科学家(CARS-22-G-12),2017.01-2020.12,在研,主持
10. 学校自列课题,河西绿洲灌区小麦玉米水肥高效利用技术集成与示范,2016.01-2020.12,结题,主持
10. 学校自列课题,河西绿洲灌区碳减排多熟种植技术体系及机理,2016.01-2020.12,结题,主持
六、代表性论著 (第一或通讯作者SCI文章)
[1] Wen Yin, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Wei He, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*. No-tillage with straw mulching promotes wheat production via regulating soil drying-wetting status and reducing soil-air temperature variation at arid regions[J]. European Journal of Agronomy, 2023, 145: 126778.
[2] Hanting Li, Zhilong Fan, Qiming Wang, Guocui Wang, Wen Yin, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Weidong Cao, Qiang Chai*, Falong Hu. Green manure and maize intercropping with reduced chemical N enhances productivity and carbon mitigation of farmland in arid areas[J]. European Journal of Agronomy, 2023, 145: 126780.
[3] Wen Yin, Zhiwen Gou, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai. No-tillage with straw mulching and re-using old film boost crop yields and mitigate soil N2O emissions in wheat-maize intercropping at arid irrigated regions[J]. Field Crops Research, 2022, 289: 108706.
[4] Zhiwen Gou, Wen Yin, Aziiba Emmanuel Asibi, Zhilong Fan, Qiang Chai, Weidong Cao. Improving the sustainability of cropping systems via diversified planting in arid irrigation areas[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 42: 88.
[5] Hongwei Yang, Qiang Chai, Wen Yin, Falong Hu, Anzhen Qin, Zhilong Fan, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Hong Fan. Yield photosynthesis and leaf anatomy of maize in inter- and mono-cropping systems at varying plant densities [J]. The Crop Journal, 2022, 10: 893-903.
[6] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Yao Guo, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu. Energy budgeting, carbon budgeting, and carbon footprints of straw and plastic film management for environmentally clean of wheat-maize intercropping system in northwestern China [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 826: 154220.
[7] Ke Xu, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin, Yining Niu, Qiming Wang, Qiang Chai. Delayed application of N fertilizer mitigates the carbon emissions of pea/maize intercropping via altering soil microbial diversity[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13: 1002009.
[8] Yan Tan, Qiang Chai*, Guang Li*, Falong Hu, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin, Hong Fan. No-till and nitrogen fertilizer reduction improve nitrogen translocation and productivity of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) via promotion of plant transpiration[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 988211.
[9] Hong Fan, Wen Yin, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Jindan Zhang, Qiang Chai. Photophysiological mechanism of dense planting to increase the grain yield of intercropped maize with nitrogen-reduction application in arid conditions[J]. Agronomy, 2022, 12: 2994.
[10] Aziiba Emmanuel Asibi, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Qiang Chai*. Optimized nitrogen rate, plant density, and regulated irrigation improved grain, biomass yields, and water use efficiency of maize at the oasis irrigation region of china [J]. Agriculture, 2022, 12: 234.
[11] Aziiba Emmanuel Asibi, Wen Yin, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Zhiwen Gou, Hongwei Yang, Yao Guo, Qiang Chai*. Optimized nitrogen rate, plant density, and irrigation level reduced ammonia emission and nitrate leaching on maize farmland in the oasis area of China [J]. Peer J, 2022, 10: e12762.
[12] Yifan Wang, Wen Yin, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai. Interspecies interaction intensity influences water consumption in wheat–maize intercropping by regulating root length density[J]. Crop Science, 2022, 62: 441-454.
[13] Qiang Chai, Thomas Nemecek, Chang Liang, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Yifan Wang, Falong Hu, Li Wang, Kadambot H. M. Siddique, Yantai Gan. Integrated farming with intercropping increases food production while reducing environmental footprint [J]. PNAS, 2021,118: 38 e2106382118.
[14] Hongwei Yang, Falong Hu, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Zhilong Fan, Hong Fan, Xuling Ren. Integration of tillage and planting density improves crop production and carbon mitigation of maize/pea intercropping in the oasis irrigation area of northwestern China[J]. Field Crops Research, 2021, 272: 108281.
[15] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Yao Guo, Hong Fan, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu. The physiological and ecological traits of strip management with straw and plastic film to increase grain yield of intercropping wheat and maize in arid conditions [J]. Field Crops Research, 2021, 271: 108242.
[16] Yao Guo, Wen Yin, Hong Fan, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*, Emmanuel Asibi Aziiba, Xijun Zhang. Photosynthetic physiological characteristics of water and nitrogen coupling for enhanced high-density tolerance and increased yield of maize in arid irrigation regions[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 726568.
[17] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Yao Guo, Hong Fan, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Jeffrey A. Coulter. No tillage with plastic re-mulching maintains high maize productivity via regulating hydrothermal effects in an arid region [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 726568.
[18] Ke Xu, Qiang Chai*, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin. N‑fertilizer postponing application improves dry matter translocation and increases system productivity of wheat/maize intercropping[J]. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 22825
[19] Zhiwen Gou, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai. Straw and residual film management enhances crop yield and weakens CO2 emissions in wheat–maize intercropping system[J]. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11: 14077.
[20] Yao Guo, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Hong Fan, Jeffrey A. Coulter. No tillage and previous residual plastic mulching with reduced water and nitrogen supply reduces soil carbon emission and enhances productivity of following wheat in arid irrigation areas[J]. Field Crops Research, 2021, 262: 108028.
[21] Yao Guo, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Jeffrey A. Coulter. No tillage with previous plastic covering increases water harvesting and decreases soil CO2 emissions of wheat in dry regions[J]. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 208: 104883.
[22] Yan Tan, Falong Hu, Qiang Chai*, Guang Li, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Hong Fan, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin. Optimizing water use between intercropped pea and maize through strip row ratio expansion and N fertilizer reduction in arid areas[J]. Field Crops Research, 2021, 260: 108001.
[23] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Yao Guo, Jeffrey A. Coulter. Water utilization in intercropping: A review [J]. Agricultural Water Management, 2020, 241: 106335.
[24] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Yao Guo, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu. Straw and plastic management regulate air-soil temperature amplitude and wetting-drying alternation in soil to promote intercrop productivity in arid regions[J]. Field Crops Research, 2020, 250: 107758.
[25] Falong Hu, Yan Tan, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Weidong Cao. Optimizing the split of N fertilizer application over time increases grain yield of maize-pea intercropping in arid areas[J]. European Journal of Agronomy, 2020, 119: 126117.
[26] Wen Yin, Aizhong Yu, Yao Guo, Hong Fan, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*. Growth trajectories of wheat/maize intercropping with straw and plastic management in arid conditions[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2020, 112: 2777-2790.
[27] Falong Hu, Yan Tan, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Weidong Cao. Strip width ratio expansion with lowered N fertilizer rate enhances N complementary use between intercropped pea and maize[J]. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 19969.
[28] Cai Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Wen Yin, Falong Hu, Aizhong Yu, Hong Fan, Qiang Chai. High maize density alleviates the inhibitory effect of soil nitrogen on intercropped pea[J]. Agronomy Basel, 2020, 10: 248.
[29] Zhilong Fan, Qiang Chai*, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Wen Yin, Falong Hu, Guodong Chen, Weidong Cao, Jeffrey A. Coulter. Water and radiation use in maize–pea intercropping is enhanced with increased plant density[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2020, 112: 257-273.
[30] Yan Tan, Falong Hu, Qiang Chai*, Guang Li, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin. Expanding row ratio with lowered nitrogen fertilization improves system productivity of maize/pea strip intercropping[J]. European Journal of Agronomy, 2020, 113: 125986.
[31] Caihong Yang, Yanxiang Geng, Xing Zhou Fu, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Qiang Chai*. The effects of wind erosion depending on cropping system and tillage method in a semi-arid region[J]. Agronomy Basel, 2020, 10: 732.
[32] Meixiu Tan, Fang Gou, Tjeerd Jan Stomph, Jing Wang, Wen Yin, Lizhen Zhang, Qiang Chai, Wopke van der Werf. Dynamic process-based modelling of crop growth and competitive water extraction in relay strip intercropping: Model development and application to wheat-maize intercropping[J]. Field Crops Research, 2020, 246: 107613.
[33] Yao Guo, Wen Yin, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*, Jeffrey A. Coulter. No-tillage with reduced water and nitrogen supply improves water use efficiency of wheat in arid regions[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2020, 112: 578-591.
[34] Emmanuel Asibi Aziiba, Qiang Chai*, Jeffrey A. Coulter. Mechanisms of nitrogen use in maize[J]. Agronomy Basel, 2019, 9: 775.
[35] Aziiba Emmanuel Asibi, Qiang Chai*, Jeffrey A. Coulter. Rice blast: A disease with implications for global food security[J]. Agronomy Basel, 2019, 9: 451.
[36] Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai⁎, Weidong Cao, Joann K. Whalen, Liangxia Zhao, Lijuan Cai. No-tillage reduces competition and enhances compensatory growth of maize intercropped with pea. Field Crops Research, 2019, 243: 107611.
[37] Wen Yin, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*, Jefrey A. Coulter. Innovation in alternate mulch with straw and plastic management bolsters yield and water use efficiency in wheat-maize intercropping in arid conditions. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 6364.
[38] Yao Guo, Wen Yin, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Hong Fan, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*, Jeffrey A. Coulter. Reduced irrigation and nitrogen coupled with no-tillage and plastic mulching increase wheat yield in maize-wheat rotation in an arid region. Field Crops Research, 2019, 243: 107615.
[39] Wen Yin, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Hong Fan, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*. Straw and plastic mulching enhances crop productivity via optimizing interspecific interactions of wheat–maize intercropping in arid areas. Crop Science, 2019, 59: 2201-2213.
[40] Zhilong Fan, Yanhua Zhao, Qiang Chai*, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Yantai Gan, Weidong Cao. Synchrony of nitrogen supply and crop demand are driven via high maize density in maize/pea strip intercropping. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 10954.
[41] Yanhua Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Wen Yin, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*. Source-to-sink translocation of carbon and nitrogen is regulated by fertilization and plant population in maize-pea intercropping. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: 891.
[42] Caihong Yang, Zhilong Fan, Qiang Chai*. Agronomic and economic benefits of pea/maize intercropping systems in relation to N fertilizer and maize density. Agronomy Basel, 2018, 8: 52.
[43] Falong Hu, Yan Tan, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Jeffrey A. Coulter, Zhilong Fan, Wen Yin, Hong Fan, Qiang Chai*. Low N Fertilizer Application and Intercropping Increases N Concentration in Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Grains[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 1763.
[44] Wen Yin, Aizhong Yu, Yao Guo, Yifan Wang, Cai Zhao, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Qiang Chai*. Straw retention and plastic mulching enhance water use via synergistic regulation of water competition and compensation in wheat-maize intercropping systems[J]. Field Crops Research, 2018, 299: 78-94.
[45] Wen Yin, Yao Guo, Falong Hu, Zhilong Fan, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*. Wheat-maize intercropping with reduced tillage and straw retention: a step towards enhancing economic and environmental benefits in arid areas[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 1328.
[46] Jinpu Wu, Kai Xiao, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Fuxue Feng, Long Li, Qiang Chai*. Ridge-furrow cropping of maize reduces soil carbon emissions and enhances carbon use efficiency[J]. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2018, 256: 153-162.
[47] Guodong Chen, Xuefu Kong, Yantai Gan, Renzhi Zhang, Fuxue Feng, Aizhong Yu, Cai Zhao, Sumei Wan, Qiang Chai*. Enhancing the systems productivity and water use efficiency through coordinated soil water sharing and compensation in strip-intercropping[J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 10494.
[48] Yifan Wang, Yazhou Qin, Qiang Chai*, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu. Interspecies interactions in relation to root distribution across the rooting profile in wheat-maize intercropping under different plant densities[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 483.
[49] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Yao Guo, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Chang Liu, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Guodong Chen. Reducing carbon emissions and enhancing crop productivity through strip intercropping with improved agricultural practices in an arid area[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 166: 197-208.
[50] Wen Yin, Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*, Yao Guo, Fuxue Feng, Aizhong Yu. Effects of previous wheat straw on the yield of maize in the Oasis irrigation region [J]. Crop Science, 2017, 57: 3217-3226.
[51] Wen Yin, Guiping Chen, Fuxue Feng, Yao Guo, Falong Hu, Guodong Chen, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*. Straw retention combined with plastic mulching improves compensation of intercropped maize in arid environment [J]. Field Crops Research, 2017, 204: 42-51.
[52] Fang Gou, Wen Yin, Yu Hong, Wopke van der Werf, Qiang Chai*, Nico Heerink, MartinK.vanIttersum. On yield gaps and yield gains in intercropping: Opportunities for increasing grain production in northwest China[J]. Agricultural Systems, 2017, 151: 96-105.
[53] Falong Hu, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*, Aizhong Yu, Wen Yin, Yantai Gan. Integration of wheat-maize intercropping with conservation practices reduces CO2 emissions and enhances water use in dry areas[J]. Soil & Tillage Research, 2017, 169: 44-53.
[54] Falong Hu, Cai Zhao, Fuxue Feng, Qiang Chai*, Yanping Mu, Yan Zhang. Improving N management through intercropping alleviates the inhibitory effect of mineral N on nodulation in pea[J]. Plant and Soil, 2017, 412: 235-251.
[55] Chang Liu, Herb Cutforth, Qiang Chai*, Yantai Gan. Farming tactics to reduce the carbon footprint of crop cultivation in semiarid areas. A review[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2016, 36: 69-85.
[56] Qiang Chai*, Yantai Gan, Cai Zhao, Huilian Xu, Reagan M Waskom, Yining Niu, Kadambot H M Siddique. Regulated deficit irrigation for crop production under drought stress. A review[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2016 ,36: 2-21.
[57] Falong Hu, Yantai Gan, Qiang Chai*, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Yanping Mu, Yan Zhang. Boosting system productivity through the improved coordination of interspecific competition in maize/pea strip intercropping[J]. Field Crops Research, 2016, 198: 50-60.
[58] Falong Hu, Yantai Gan, Aizhong Yu, Hongyan Cui, Cai Zhao, Fuxue Feng, Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*. Intercropping maize and wheat with conservation agriculture principles improves water harvesting and reduces carbon emissions in dry areas[J]. European Journal of Agronomy, 2016, 74: 9-17.
[59] Wen Yin, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Falong Hu, Qiang Chai*, Yantai Gan. Integrated double- mulching practices optimizes soil temperature and improves soil water utilization in arid environments[J]. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2016, 60: 1423-1437.
[60] Wen Yin, Qiang Chai*, Yao Guo, Fuxue Feng, Cai Zhao, Aizhong Yu, Falong Hu. Analysis of leaf area index dynamic and grain yield components of intercropped wheat and maize under straw mulch combined with reduced tillage in arid environments[J]. Journal of Agricultural Science, 2016, 8(4): 26-42.
[61] Cai Zhao, Qiang Chai*, Yanhua Zhao, Yanping Mu, Yan Zhang, Aizhong Yu, Fuxue Feng, Chang Liu, Wen Yin, Falong Hu. Interspecific competition and complementation is a function of N management in maize-pea intercropping systems[J]. Crop Science, 2016, 56: 3286-3294.
[62] Falong Hu, Qiang Chai*, Wen Yin, Aizhong Yu, Hongyan Cui, Yantai Gan. Less carbon emissions of wheat–maize intercropping under reduced tillage in arid areas[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015, 35: 701-711.
[63] Wen Yin, Aizhong Yu, Qiang Chai*, Falong Hu, Fuxue Feng, Yantai Gan. Wheat and maize relay-planting with straw covering increases water use efficiency up to 46%[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015, 35: 815-825.
[64] Caihong Yang, Qiang Chai*, Guang Li, Fuxue Feng, Li Wang. Water use efficiency of controlled alternate irrigation on wheat/faba bean intercropping[J]. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015, 10(48): 4348-4355.
[65] Guodong Chen, Qiang Chai*, Gaobao Huang, Aizhong Yu, Fuxue Feng, Yanpin Mu, Xuefu Kong, Peng Huang. Belowground interspecies interaction enhances productivity and water use efficiency in maize/pea intercropping systems[J]. Crop Science, 2015, 55: 420-428.
[66] Yumei Jiang, Shunyu Han, Shenggui Zhang, Jixin Li, Gaobao Huang, Yang Bi, Qiang Chai*. Improved properties by hydrogen bonding interaction of poly(lactic acid)/palygorskite nanocomposites for agricultural products packaging[J]. Polymer composites, 2014, 35(3): 468-476.
[67] Yantai Gan, Chang Liang, Qiang Chai*, Reynald L Lemke, Con A. Campbell, Robert P Zentner. Improving farming practices reduce the carbon footprint of spring wheat production[J]. Nature communications, 2014, 5: 5012.
[68] Hongwei Chen, Anzhen Qin, Qiang Chai*, Yantai Gan, Zhandong Liu. Quantification of soil water competition and compensation using soil water differences between strips of intercropping[J]. Agriculture Research, 2014, 3(4): 321-330.
[69] Qiang Chai*, Yantai Gan, Neil C. Turner, Renzhi Zhang, Chao Yang, Yining Niu, Kadambot H.M. Siddique. Water-saving innovations in Chinese agriculture[J]. Advances in Agronomy, 2014, 126: 149-202.
[70] Qiang Chai*, Anzhen Qin, Yantai Gan*, Aizhong Yu. Higher yield and lower carbon emission by intercropping maize with rape, pea, and wheat in arid irrigation areas[J]. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2014, 34: 106-117
[71] Yamei Wang, Qiang Chai*, Hengjia Zhang. Effect of water deficit at tuber initiation on potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber yield and efficiency of water use[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 864-867: 2061-2064.
[72] Yanpin Mu, Qiang Chai*, Aizhong Yu, Caihong Yang, Wanhai Qi, Fuxue Feng, Xuefu Kong. Performance of wheat/maize intercropping is a function of belowground interspecies interactions[J]. Crop Science, 2013, 53(5): 2186-2194.
[73] Jian Ma, Gaobao Huang, Delong Yang, Qiang Chai*. Dry matter remobilization and compensatory effects in various internodes of spring wheat under water stress[J]. Crop Science, 2013, 53(6): 2221-2299.
[74] Zhilong Fan, Qiang Chai*, Gaobao Huang Aizhong Yu, Peng Huang, Caihong Yang, Zhiqiang Tao, Hailiang Liu. Yield and water consumption characteristics of wheat/maize intercropping with reduced tillage in an Oasis region[J]. European Journal of Agronomy, 2013, 45: 52-58.
[75] Shoubao Liu, Qiang Chai*, Gaobao Huang. Relationships among soil respiration, soil temperature and dry matter accumulation for wheat-maize intercropping systems in an arid environment[J]. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2013, 93(4): 715-724.
[76] Anzhen Qin, Gaobao Huang, Qiang Chai*, Aizhong Yu, Peng Huang. Grain yield and soil respiratory response to intercropping systems on aridland[J]. Field Crops Research, 2013, 144: 1-10.
[77] Yantai Gan, Kadambot H M Siddique, Neil C Turner, Xiaogang Li, Junyi Niu*, Chao Yang, Liping Liu, Qiang Chai*. Ridge-furrow mulching systems-an innovative technique for boosting crop productivity in semiarid rain-fed environments[J]. Advances in Agronomy, 2013, 125: 429-476.
[78] Gaobao Huang, Qiang Chai*, Fuxue Feng. Effects of different tillage systems on soil properties, root growth, grain yield, and water use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in arid northwest China[J]. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(8): 1286-1296.
[79] Caihong Yang, Gaobao Huang, Qiang Chai*, Zhaoxia Luo. Water use and yield of wheat/ maize intercropping under alternate irrigation in the oasis field of northwest China[J]. Field Crops Research, 2011, 124: 426-432.
1. 甘肃省拔尖领军人才,2022
2. 第十三届全国政协委员,农业界,2018
3. 全国政协农业和农村委员会委员,2018
4. 甘肃省领军人才第一层次人选,甘肃省人事厅,2018
5. 国家“中青年科技创新领军人才”,国家科技部,2014
6. 甘肃省“飞天学者”特聘教授,甘肃省教育厅,2014
7. 中国农学会耕作制度分会首届青年人才奖,中国农学会耕作制度分会,2010
8. 甘肃省陇原青年创新人才,甘肃省人才工作办公室,2008
9. 甘肃省“555创新人才工程”人选,2006
10. 甘肃省高校教师青年成才奖,甘肃省教育厅,2005
1. 作物种间配置降损增效及减排机制. 甘肃省自然科学一等奖. 甘肃省人民政府, 2021.
2. 西北地区水土资源高效利用农作制模式集成研究与推广,国家农牧渔业丰收奖一等奖,2019
3. 西北绿洲农牧循环技术集成与示范,甘肃省科技进步二等奖,2018
4. 禾豆间作消减豆科作物氮阻遏的作用机制,甘肃省教育厅二等奖,2017
5. 间作套种提高水分利用效率的种间作用机理,甘肃省教育厅二等奖,2016
6. 西北绿洲农田循环生产关键技术研究与集成示范,甘肃省科技进步二等奖,2012
7. 提高兰州市农业综合生产能力的途径及对策研究,甘肃省农牧渔业丰收奖三等奖,2007
8. 绿洲灌区粮田超吨田水肥高效利用理论与技术研究,甘肃省农牧渔业丰收奖二等奖,2007
9. 北方干旱内陆河灌区(甘肃张掖)节水高效农业技术体系与示范,甘肃省科技进步二等奖,2006
10. 集约多熟制农田水肥耦合机理研究,甘肃省自然科学三等奖,2006
11. 甘肃灌溉农业发展方略研究,甘肃省科技进步三等奖,2003
12. 甘肃一熟灌区作物持续高产高效技术体系研究与示范,甘肃省科技进步三等奖,2003
13. 调亏灌溉条件下多作系统的根水肥时空协调机理研究,甘肃省教育厅二等奖,2003
14. 粮田超高产种植模式及增产机理研究,甘肃省科技进步三等奖,2000